

Car Covers Are For Everyone

Nature, it all it's wonder and glory, is not so kind when it comes to the treatment it gives to cars. Nature's elements can be quite harsh and detrimental to the car's well being. The various weather conditions can, and will have diverse effects on cars.

Rain contains high levels of acid that literally eat away at the car's paintwork. What is left, is a patchy, peeling paint car that looks like it has been through the wars. If that is not bad enough, the rain leaves awful watermarks all over the exterior of the car, and over time, causes the car to rust and rot.

Snow has more or less the same effects as rain does, only worse. When it snows, the car, and all it's parts, will freeze over. This includes the car's brakes. The problem with this is that when the brakes are frozen they do not work adequately enough and cause erratic driving that could result in a fatal accident, G-d forbid.

Wind has it's problems too. The seemingly innocent wind actually drags all sorts of 'goodies' along with it. Anything that has been left lying in the street gets swept up in the wind storm and made to fly through the air. In doing so, bits of rubble, including sticks and stones, will scratch and dent the car, leaving it looking a real spectacle.

The sun is extremely powerful. Due to global warming, the ozone layer has thinned, and therefore the sun's ultra violet rays are not being filtered. As a result, when the ultra violet rays beat down on the cars, they cause the finish to melt, and bleach the paintwork. The car is left looking completely washed out, and colourless; a dull metal tin!

When the car is left standing in the sun, its interior gets ruined too. The internal specs of the car get wrecked due to the car overheating. The car is also too hot and stuffy to drive,and can be very claustrophobic. Drivers can even burn their hands on the steering wheels, when the car gets overheated.

All of this, together with piles of dust, and birds droppings, do not make the outdoors a safe haven for cars. The cars are left in a bedraggled sated, with unsightly stains that will take hours to clean.

The indoors is not much better though. Although the car is not exposed to most weather conditions, it is still not shielded from dust and dirt. In fact, dust tends to pile up much faster in garages due to the storage conditions. Usually old bits of rubbish that no one wants to throw out are kept in garages, these are awfully dusty, and act as a magnet to more dust, that only instead lands up on the car.

Also garages are usually small places. People tend to have to squeeze past to get to the other end. In doing so, they are very likely to scratch or dent the car, especially if they have something like keys hanging from their belt or pocket.

In either case, a car cover would be the ideal choice to keeping a car in mint condition. All weather car covers are fully waterproof and ultra violet resistant, so that eliminates all problems caused by the sun, rain, sleet and snow. The cover will also be act as a cushioning shield for the car so that no impression will be made as and when it gets knocked about. Automatically, having a car cover, prevents the car from getting dusty too. So, all in all, the car cover is the ultimate life saver!

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